Calendula officinalis, or Pot Marigold, is a vibrant, easy-to-grow annual flower with medicinal properties and cheerful orange or yellow blooms that brighten gardens.
Foxgloves are biennials with large crinkly green leaves and spikes of drooping, bell-shaped, spotted flowers that blooms in purple, pink, mauve, and white.
The white african daisy has long, narrow leaves, sometimes toothed or pinnately lobed. Ray flowers are white to yellowish, sometimes with blue or purple markings. Disc flowers are usually white to yellowish with purple tips.
Gazanias bear large daisy-like flowers in shades of orange and yellow. The leaves are simple, narrow, lance-shaped sometimes downy with paler undersides.
French Marigolds are compact bushy annuals from Mexico and the flowers come in various combinations of reds, oranges, and yellows.
The arum lily has blue green arrow shaped leaves that are sometimes white-speckled. The flowers are a white spathe that are funnel-shape with a dark purple marking at the base inside.